Lobasol Markant Hardwax-Oil, Satin, 100ml

£7.50 - per can, Inc. VAT£6.25 - per can, Ex. VAT

LOBA Markant is a premium hard wax oil that enhances the authentic appearance of wood by using high-quality layer-building oils. This unique formulation not only brings out the natural beauty of the w...


Lobasol Oils & Hardwax
Floor Finishing Products, Hardwax & Oil

  • Product Description

    LOBA Markant is a premium hard wax oil that enhances the authentic appearance of wood by using high-quality layer-building oils. This unique formulation not only brings out the natural beauty of the wood but also provides exceptional resistance to dirt and water. The combination of natural and transparent oils and waxes creates a film-forming, wear-resistant finish, resulting in an even and rich surface appearance. Additionally, LOBA Markant is water and dirt-repellent, making it easy to maintain the wood's aesthetic appeal. The application process is simple and secure, with a recommended consumption of 750ml for 30m² or 2.5L for 100 m².

  • Specification

    Sealant & Lacquer Specification
    CoverageAround 80ml/m²
    Drying TimeDrying overnight, minimum 12 to maximum 24 hours
    Pack Size100ml